Phalpatti Development Plan Guidelines 2017-18

Scheme – At a glance

Name of scheme Scheme to promote the horticulture by developing fruit belts.
Duration of scheme 5 Years (2017-18 to 2021-22)
Area of the scheme Fruit belt area declared by the state
Physical targets  

Benefits of the project

There will be following benefits with the implementation of project:-

  • To get the direct environmental safety.
  • To make awareness in public regarding environmental safety.
  • Solutions on nutritional safety.
  • Updation in soil health.
  • Enhancement in quality fruit production. 
  • Increase in the production capacity in the unproductive gardens by implementing the canopy management/renovation.
  • Creation of additional employment.

How to apply -

To get the benefits of the scheme, applicant will have to register  Registration can be done through Jan Suvidha Kendra, Farmer Lok Vaani and Cyber Cafe.

Eligibility conditions for applicants:

  • Applicant will have to online register them on the official website to get the benefits of the scheme. 
  • Applicants of all categories will be eligible under the program. Priority will be given to the women applicants and applicants belonging to scheduled caste/scheduled tribe.
  • Beneficiary should have own means of irrigation.
  • Enclosing the land records with the application will be compulsory.
  • Beneficiary farmer must have his own bank account.
  • Beneficiary should have any one of the identity proof available among Voter Card/Ration Card/Aadhar card/Passport.

Area expansion in Buffer Zone

Comprehensive horticulture of Mango, Guava 50 Hect
Mango, Guava and Gooseberry 250 Hect
Canopy Management/Renovation 50 Hect
Distribution of Plastic Crates (In Nos) 150,000
Mango Harvester (In Nos) 32,500
Grading Packing Center (In Nos) 150
I.P.M. /I.N.M. Encouragement 1000 Hect
Power Sprayer 200 Nos
Farmer Training (In Nos) 37,500
Meetings (In Nos) 75
Outside the state, within the country and abroad visit programs -
Replacement of old unproductive gardens/trees -

Program wise unit cost and details of share of farmer and state assistance-

Ser No Name of program Unit Unit Cost
(In Rs.)
State Assistance
 (In Rs.)
%age of
State assistance
Share of Farmer (In Rs.)
1. Area Expansion
Intensive horticulture of Mango (Establishment year Rs. 9840, First Year Rs. 3280, Second Year Rs. 3280) Hect 41000 16400
(In three years)
40 24600
Intensive horticulture of Guava (Establishment year Rs. 17599, First Year Rs. 5866, Second Year Rs. 5867) Hect 73330 29332 (In three years) 40 43998
Mango (Establishment year Rs. 7650, First Year Rs. 2550, Second Year Rs. 2550) Hect 25500 12750 (In three years) 50 12750
Guava (Establishment year Rs. 11502, First Year Rs. 3834, Second Year Rs. 3834) Hect 38340 19170 (In three years) 50 19170
Gooseberry (Establishment year Rs. 12004, First Year Rs. 4000, Second Year Rs. 4000) Hect 40008 20004 50 20004
2. Replacement of old unproductive garden/trees Grant will be payable according to Nos of saplings and area as in case of new gardens.
3. Canopy Management/Renovation Hect 40000 20000 50 20000
4. Distribution of Plastic Crates Nos 500 375 75 125
5. Mango harvester Nos 250 188 75 62
6. Grading Packing Center Nos 400000 200000 50 200000
7. I.P.M./I.N.M Encouragement Hect 4000 1200 30 2800
8. Power Sprayer Nos 8758 6569 75 2189
9. Farmers Training Per Farmer 1000 1000 100 -
10. Meeting Per meeting 200000 200000 100 -
11. Visit programs outside the state, within the country and abroad Project based - 5000000
(per year)
100 -

Advertisement-promotion works

Through Radio, Doordarshan, Newspapers, Literature and Magazine, Wall Painting and Meetings.

Project Cost

Sr. No. Year Amount (In Lakh Rs.)
1. 2017-18 456.60
2. 2018-19 459.51
3. 2019-20 462.43
4. 2020-21 462.43
5. 2021-22 462.43
  Total 2303.40

Table of Content

Sr. No. Description Page No.
1. Introduction 1
2. Objective 1
3. Duration of Scheme 1
4. Area of Scheme 1-2
5. Proposed works under the scheme 2-7
6. Verification of scheme 7
7. Compliance of Scheme 7
8. Benefits of Scheme 7
9. Program wise physical and financial description for development of fruit belts 8
10. Head wise/year wise expense details for development of fruit belts 9
11. Integrated Pesticide Management Package for Mango gardens 10
12. Integrated Pesticide Management Package for Guava and Gooseberry gardens 11



Land and climate of the state is suitable for fruity trees. Certain areas of the state are more suitable for production of a specific fruit. Efforts to develop and expand these areas as fruit belt have been made for production of quality fruits. State government has declared fruit belt for development of three fruit i.e. Mango, Guava and Gooseberry. Mango fruit belt is covered by 31 Development Blocks of Saharanpur, Meerut, Baghpat, Bulandshahr, Amroha, Pratapgarh, Varanasi, Lucknow, Unnao, Sitapur, Hardoi, Faizabad and Barabanki districts. For Guava fruit belt, 6 development blocks of district Koushambi and Badaun have been selected and 2 development blocks of district Pratapgarh are selected for Gooseberry fruit belt. For the quality production of specific fruits and expansion of fruit belts for further promotion of horticulture, state government has described the same in its “Sankalp Patr 2007”. Seeing this description, a work plan has been designed. In this work plan area expansion, canopy management, facing, plastic crates, harvester, pack house construction, Integrated Pesticide Management (I.P.M.)/Integrated Nutrients management, Power Sprayer etc are included in the work plan to be made available on subsidized value.

Details of all fruits belts declared in the state are as under :-


Objective of horticulture development by developing fruit belt is as under:-

  • To expand the fruit production and area in the concentrated regions.
  • Renovation of old and less productive gardens and canopy management.
  • Distribution of plastic crates for easy marketing/storage.
  • To provide Mango Harvester for reducing the loss of mango plucking through traditional way.
  • To construct on farm pack house for grading/storage of fruits.
  • To encourage I.P.M./I.N.M. package for safety from insects/diseases and pollution/losses as a result of usages of Chemicals.
  • Distribution of Power Sprayer for showering of pesticides.
  • To provide training to the farmers regarding techniques of fruit production and reduction in losses after plucking.
  • To organize meetings for promotion of the scheme.

Duration of the scheme

5 years (From the year 2017-18 to 2021-22)

Area of the scheme

State government has declared 3 belts of Mango, Guava and Gooseberry in the state for development of fruits. Under the Mango fruit belt 13 districts (Saharanpur, Meerut, Baghpat, Bulandshahr, Amroha, Pratapgarh, Varanasi, Lucknow, Unnao, Sitapur, Hardoi, Faizabad and Barabanki), under the Guava fruit belt 02 districts (Koushambi and Badaun) and under Gooseberry fruit belt, 01 districts i.e. Pratapgarh is covered. Selected development blocks of these districts have been included in the fruit belt, whose district wise details are as under:-

No District No of selected development blocks Selected Development Block
1 2 3 4
1. Saharanpur 1 Sadhoui Kadeem, Behat
2. Meerut 1 Macchraa (Shahjahanpur)
3. Baghpat 3 Jaani, Pilana , Khekdaa
4. Bulandshahr 2 Syana, Oonchaagaanv
5. Amroha 4 1. Amroha, Zoya
2. Gajroula, Hasanpur
6. Pratapgarh 2 Kunda, Kalakaankar
7. Varanasi 1 Chiraigaanv
8. Lucknow 4 1. M9aal, Malihabaad, Kakori
2. Bakshi Ka Talab
9. Unnav 5 Hasanganj, Miyanganj, Auras, Safipur, Fatehpur
10. Sitapur 2 1. Mahmoodaabaad
2. Khairaabaad
11. Hardoi 1 Shaahaabad
12. Faizabad 3 1. Masoudha, Sohaval
3. Mayaa bazar
13. Barabanki 2 Dewa, Banki
13. Koushambi 2  Chayal, Moorratganj
13. Badaun 4  Myauu, Jagat, Usaanva, Kadarchowk
13. Pratapgarh 2  Sadar, Magrouraa

Proposed works

Under this scheme, the following works have been proposed:-

Area Expansion

For expansion of Mango, Guava and Gooseberry fruit production areas, release of state assistance is proposed according to Integrated Horticulture Development Mission scheme.

For establishment of new gardens, details of indicative unit cost/state assistance are as under:-

Unit Cost per Hect – Intensive farming of Mango

Nos of Plants – 400 (5 x 5 Meter) Amount (In Rs.)
Sr. No. Head Proposed arrangement
Year of establishment
Maintenance Second Year (20:) Maintenance Third year (20:)
  Material Cost
1. Sapling Material (Plantation year 10 : extra, second year 25: third year 10:) + drip irrigation + I.P.M./I.N.M. (Neem Cake, Esparjillus, Tricoderma, Biberia Vaisiana, Ejetobaikktar, P.S.B. and K.M.B) 9840 3280 3280
  Total 9840 3280 3280

Unit cost per Hect – Intensive farming of Guava

Sapling Nos – 1111 ( 3 x 3 meter) Amount (In Rs.)
Sr No Head Proposed arrangement
Year of establishment
Maintenance Second Year (20:) Maintenance Third year (20:)
  Material Cost
1. Sapling Material (Plantation year 10 : extra, second year 25: third year 10:) + drip irrigation + I.P.M./I.N.M. (Neem Cake, Esparjillus, Tricoderma, Biberia Vaisiana, Ejetobaikktar, P.S.B. and K.M.B)
(Grant amount will be expensed on Plantation on Priority)
17599 5866 5867
Total 17599 5866 5867

Unit Cost per Hect – Mango

Sapling Nos – 100 (10 x 10 meter) Amount (In Rs.)
Sr No Head Proposed arrangement
Year of establishment
Maintenance Second Year (20:) Maintenance Third year (20:)
  Material Cost
1. Sapling Material (Plantation year 10 : extra, second year 25: third year 10:)   + I.P.M./I.N.M. 3300 750 300
  (Neem Cake, Esparjillus, Tricoderma, Biberia Vaisiana, Ejetobaikktar, P.S.B. and K.M.B) 2350 1000 1000
   Vermi Compost 2000 800 1250
  Total 7650 2550 2550

Unit Cost per Hect - Guava

Sapling Nos – 100 (10 x 10 meter) Amount (In Rs.)
Sr No Head Proposed arrangement
Year of establishment
Maintenance Second Year (20:) Maintenance Third year (20:)
  Material Cost
1. Sapling Material (Plantation year 10 : extra, second year 25: third year 10:) 7296 1680 672
  I.P.M./I.N.M. (Neem Cake, Esparjillus, Tricoderma, Biberia Vaisiana, Ejetobaikktar, P.S.B. and K.M.B) 2206 1354 1354
   Vermi Compost 2000 800 1808
  Total 7650 2550 2550

Unit Cost per Hect - Gooseberry

Sapling Nos – 100 (10 x 10 meter) Amount (In Rs.)
Sr No Head Proposed arrangement
Year of establishment
Maintenance Second Year (20:) Maintenance Third year (20:)
  Material Cost
1. Sapling Material (Plantation year 10 : extra, second year 25: third year 10:) 6992 1587 644
  I.P.M./I.N.M. (Neem Based Formulation,  Tricoderma, Ejetobaikktar, P.S.B. and K.M.B) 2510 2414 3357
   Vermi Compost 2500 - -
  Total 12002 4001 4001

Canopy Management

For the renovation of old unproductive or less productive gardens of Mango, Guava and Gooseberry as well as for canopy management, 50% of Rs. 40000 of unit cost means Rs. 20000/- per Hect assistance is proposed. Details of payable assistance cost on Mango, Guava and Gooseberry are as under :-


Sr. No. Head Grant (Rs.)
1. Tree cutting, trimming + coper or cow dung pasting on the cut portion, pull out the trunk piercing bug with the help of a pin and insertion of gouge piece duly wetted with Diclorvaas into the hole, to cover the hole with wet soil + coper pasting in the trunk + dung fertilizer/Vermi compost in the trench and rumpiness. 12000
2. Rarefication 1000
3. Black polythene sheet for Mulching (100 Micron) 4000
4. Vermi Compost, Fertilizer, Micro Nutrients and Pest Management. 3000
  Total 20000


Sr. No. Head Grant (Rs.)
1. Tree cutting, trimming + coper oxychloride or cow dung pasting on the cut portion, pull out the trunk piercing bug with the help of a pin and insertion of gouge piece duly wetted with Diclorvaas into the hole, to cover the hole with wet soil + coper pasting in the trunk + dung fertilizer/Vermi compost in the trench and rumpiness. 9000
2. Clap management (Management of clap after renovation of garden, 50% Clap to be cut) 2000
3. Black Polythene sheet for Mulching (100 micron) 6000
4. Vermi Compost, Fertilizer, Micro Nutrients and Pest Management 3000
  Total 20000


Sr. No. Head Grant (Rs.)
1. Tree cutting, trimming + coper or cow dung pasting on the cut portion, pull out the trunk piercing bug with the help of a pin and insertion of gouge piece duly wetted with Diclorvaas into the hole, to cover the hole with wet soil + coper pasting in the trunk + dung fertilizer/Vermi compost in the trench and rumpiness. 9000
2. Rarefication 2000
3. Black Polythene sheet for Mulching (100 micron) 6000
4. Vermi Compost, Fertilizer, Micro Nutrients and Pest Management 3000
  Total 20000

Distribution of Plastic Crates

Use of plastic crates is quite important in the grading and packing of fruits.  Transit losses can by minimized with the usages of these crates. Value of crates has been calculated as Rs. 500/- per crate for packing of fruits.  A subsidy of 75% is to be included in the work plan for price of crates shouldering Rs. 375/- per crate from the state.

Integrated Pesticides Management (I.P.M.)/Integrated Nutrients Management (I.N.M.) –

For quality fruit production and to keep a check on dangerous chemicals and fertilizers, and to promote organic fertilizers prepared with organic method, Rs. 4000/- per hectare has been sanctioned and 30% of it (Rs. 1200/-) is proposed from the state. I.P.N. Package of Mango, Guava and Gooseberry is as under :-

Crop I.P.M. Tools Total Cost/Hect Assistance Amount (In Rs.)
Mango Alkathene Sheet 400 Gauge for Milibug   800 600
Viveria/Syuutdomonaas 400  
Methyl Uginol/Ferromon Trap 600 600
Bio Pesticides 1600  
I.N.M. Component Liquid Bio Fertilizer of N.P. & K. 600  
Total 4000 1200
Guava Esparjillus 600 600
Methyl Uginol/Ferromon Trap 800 600
Bio Pesticides 2000  
I.N.M. Component Liquid Bio Fertilizer of N.P. & K. 600  
Total 4000 1200
Gooseberry Esparjillus 600 600
Methyl Uginol/Ferromon Trap 800 600
Bio Pesticides 2000  
I.N.M. Component Liquid Bio Fertilizer of N.P. & K. 600  
  Total 4000 1200

In the above mentioned crops, approved I.P.M. has been mentioned on tools annexure 10, 11.

Mango Harvester

Technique of Mango plucking is important. Fruits plucked through Mango Harvester don’t get hurt and no adverse effect is implied on their storage as well as on quality. To promote the use of Mango Harvester, it is proposed to subsidize, 75% grant or Rs. 188.00 (Total estimated cost is Rs. 250/- per Harvester).

Functional Pack House/On Farm Collection Unit

After plucking of fruits, their grading packing is quite important. For establishing Functional Pack House/On Farm Collection Unit, 50% subsidy is proposed on Rs. 4.00 Lakh per unit cost. Details of Function Pack House/On Farm Collection Unit are as under :-

Pack House should be constructed above 1 Ft height from the ground level in the form of a Working Shed (9M x 6 M).  Inside that shed washing facility for fruits/vegetables, plastic crates, De-sapping, Hot Water Treatment facility, grading/packing facility and suitable storage room should be available for products able for marketing after grading-packing.

Power Sprayer :-

Such gardens, wherein trees are of bigger size, use of power sprayer to protect from pest, is considered important. The cost of Power Sprayer Rs. 8758.00 has been subsidized 75% and thus a grant of Rs. 6569.00 has been included in the scheme.

Training :-

Farmers/gardener need to have information about latest techniques on trading actions to get the quality production from fruity trees. It is proposed to provide training for imparting latest technique in this regard time to time by specialists and officers. This training program will be of one day on which Rs. 1000/- per day per farmer is expected.  This amount is to be shouldered by state government and accordingly required amount has been included in the work plan.


It is necessary to advertise and promote the scheme to make its public access. Information of the available facilities in the scheme will be publicized through pamphlet, electronic media, wall-painting, Flex banners. For this purpose an expense of Rs. 40000.00 per development block has been included in the work plan.

Meeting –

To lift up the participation of normal farmers in the scheme, it is proposed to hold a district level meeting twice a year. An expense of Rs. 2.00 Lakh has been estimated on such meeting and included in the scheme too.

A work plan has been designed incorporating the above mentioned works, whose head-wise details are as under:-

5.11 Visit program outside the state, within the country and abroad:-

Visit program will be organized for selected farmers from selected districts. This program will have the objective to introduce the farmers with the role models and encourage them to use latest techniques. This visit program will be of outside the state, within the country as well as abroad too to visit specific productive areas.

This program will be organized as project based program and 100% funding will be borne by state government.

Arrangement of replacing the old unproductive gardens/trees

Permission to replace the old unproductive gardens/trees come under fruit belt will be granted with this condition that such gardens/trees have become unproductive and it is impossible to revive them through renovation/canopy management techniques. Recommendation of replacement of such unproductive gardens/trees will be made by the committee constituted at district level. This committee will be constituted with Forest Department, Krishi Vigyaan Kendra, scientists of Central Suburban Horticulture Institute, Magistrate nominated by DM and District Horticulture Officer (Member-Secretary) of the concerned district. This committee will inspect the gardens/tress as requested for replacement by the farmers/gardeners. In case of garden/trees found unproductive, the inspection committee will provide its recommendation for replacement to the concerned forest officer.

Administrative Expense

Documentations of various works under the project, observation, transformation of information, hired vehicle, travelling expenses, stationary, commercial services, purchase/maintenance of computer etc have been included as 5% total cost of the project and necessary amount has been demanded.

Verification of the project

In the state, verification of works under the project will be ensured by the district level officers as follows:-

Sr. No. Verification Officer %age of verification
1. Project Incharge 100%
2. Senior Horticulture Inspector 50%
3. District Horticulture Officer 25%
4. Deputy Director Horticulture 10%

Observation of the project

Nodal officer of the project, Horticulture Directorate (Headquarters) Lucknow will do review and observation of the project under the guidance of Director, Horticulture and Food Processing Department, Uttar Pradesh at state level and will forward the collected information to Principal Secretary Horticulture, Government of Uttar Pradesh, every month. At regional level, Deputy Director will implement and review the programs and will provide the progress report to Headquarters.

All the rights for time to time modification in the work plan of Horticulture Development Program year 2017-18 to 2021-22 for developing the fruit belts under the project will be vest under Director, Horticulture and Food Processing Department, Uttar Pradesh.


Program wise expense details of horticulture development through development of fruit belts

Sr. No. Name of Program Unit Cost (In Rs.) State Assistance (In Rs.) Requirement of Amount (In Lakhs Rs.)
Amount %age 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 20121-22 Total
Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial Physical Financial
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1. Expansion of area
  1.1 Mango 25500 12750 50 100 7.65 200 10.20 300 12.75 300 12.75 300 12.75 1200 56.10
  1.2 Guava 38340 19750 50 20 2.30 40 3.07 60 3.84 60 3.84 60 3.84 240 16.89
  1.3 Gooseberry 40008 20004 50 10 1.20 20 1.60 30 2.00 30 2.00 30 2.00 120 8.80
2. Canopy Management/Renovation 40000 20000 50 200 80.00 200 80.00 200 80.00 200 80.00 800 80.00 1000 400.00
3. Gherbad/Fencing (Hect) 264000 198000 75 150 297.00 150 297.00 150 297.00 150 297.00 150 297.00 750 1485.00
4. Plastic Crates 2130 1598 75 30000 497.40 30000 497.40 30000 497.40 30000 497.40 30000 497.40 150000 2397.00
5. Mango harvester 250 185 75 6500 122.2 6500 122.2 6500 122.2 6500 122.2 6500 122.2 32500 61.10
6. Grading-Packing Center 400000 300000 75 30 90.00 30 90.00 30 90.00 30 90.00 30 90.00 150 450.00
7. I.P.M./I.N.M.(Hect) 5000 3750 75 320 120.0 320 120.0 320 120.0 320 120.0 320 120.0 1600 60.00
8. Power Sprayer (With Generator) 25000 18750 75 16 3.00 16 3.00 16 3.00 16 3.00 16 3.00 80 15.00
9. Power Sprayer (Without Generator) 8640 6480 75 40 2.60 40 2.60 40 2.60 40 2.60 40 2.60 200 13.00
10. Training 1000 1000 100 7500 750.0 7500 750.0 7500 750.0 7500 750.0 7500 750.0 37500 375.0
11. Advertisement-Promotion 40000 per Dev. Block 40000 100 39 15.60 39 15.60 39 15.60 39 15.60 39 15.60 195 78.00
12. Meeting 200000 per meeting 200000 100 15 60.00 15 60.00 15 60.00 15 60.00 15 60.00 75 300.00
  Total   1137.97   1141.69   1145.41   1145.41   1145.41   5715.89


Head wise expense details of Horticulture development scheme by developing fruit belts

Ser No. Code No/Name of Head Requirement of fund – year wise In Lakh Rs)
2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Total
1. 04-Travel Expense 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00
2. 08-Office Expense 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00
3. 11-Stationary 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00
4. 12-Office Furniture 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 50.00
5. 13-Telephone 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00
6. 15-Maintenance of vehicles 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00
7. 16- Payment for commercial and special services 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00
8. 19- Advertisement, Sales and advertisement expense 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00
9. 20-State Assistance 987.37 990.69 994.01 994.01 994.01 4960.09
10. 26-Machines and Decoration/Tools and Equipment 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 35.00
11. 29-Maintenance 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 25.00
12. 42-Other expenses 150.60 150.60 150.60 150.60 150.60 753.00
13. 43- Material Supply 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 12.00
14. 46- Purchase of Computer Hardware/Software 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 8.00
15. 47-Computer maintenance/stationary 1.89 2.06 2.23 2.23 2.23 10.64
Total 1194.86 1198.35 1201.84 1201.84 1201.84 5998.73


Ser Insect/Disease Effective period I.P.M. Package Quantity/Hect
1. Fruit Fly May to July Make a solution of Methyl Uginol0.1% (1.5ml/Ltr Water)+Malathion 0.2% (2.0 Ml/ltr water) and put it in widerneck bottle/container and hand at 8-10 places per Hect.  Methyl Uginol-15-20 ML
Malathion – 25-23 ML
2. Internal Rottenness March to April
  • Spraywith the solution of 6-8 g Borax (Suhaga) per Ltr, per month
8 KG
3. Termite May to July
  • Metaraizium10 gm per tree
1 KG
4. Shaakhaa Gaanth Insect July to September
  • Diamethoet1.5 ML/Ltr or Qunalfaas 1.5 ML/L 2 (02 sprays at the interval of 15days)  
5 Ltr
  • Spraywith the D Chemical 200 P.P.M. at 2 – 4 times
5. Webcasting Worm August to October
  • Removeall the web from tree with the help of stick, collect the insects anddestroy.
2.5 Ltr
  • Incase of heavy infection, during October-November, make a solution ofQunalfaas 2ML/L and spray on affected place.
  • Keepdeep ploughing in November and December
6. Gujia worm July to November
  • Ploughingof Gardens
  • Takea strip of Alkathene 400 gauge (30 CM wide). Fix it at ½ mtr height at Trunkand grease the end.
6 KG Polythene
1 Ltr Grease
  • Chloropyriphas15% - 250gm @ per tree 
1.25 Ltr
  • UseBeveria Besiaya all around the trunk of the tree
  • IfGujia infected the tree, spray Imidachlorpid 1 ML per 3 Ltr water 
1.25 Ltr
7. Bhunga Insect July-August
  • Trimthe dense gardens and ensure clear water exit
    January to February
  • Imidachlorpid1 ML per 3 Ltr water at the interval of 15 days
1.25 Ltr
  • NeemShied Cornel Extract 5% or spray of Nimbeesideen 2%
1.25 Ltr
8. Powdery Mildew February to o March
  • SolubleSulphur 2 gm/ltr water (First fortnight of February)
4:00 Kg Sulphur
  • Tidromaarph(Calexeen) 1ML / Ltr water (02 spray at the interval of 15 days –from second fortnight of February)
1.0 Ltr
9. Enthaknoz September
  • Carbedaazim(Baawastin)  1 gm / ltr water or
1.0 KG
  • CopperOxychloride (3 gm/ltr water)
2.5 KG to 3 KG

Annexure – 4

(A) Integrated Pesticides Management in Guava Gardens

Sr No. Insect/Disease Effective period I.P.M. Package Quantity/ Hect
1. Fruit Fly April to July
  • Methyl Uginol 0.1% + Malathion 0.2% (10 Trap for 1 Hect Garden)
  • Collect the fruit fly infected fruits and destroy.
  • Carbaril 0.2% + protein hydorijlet 0.1% or spray of Sheeran (At priyovee stage)
  • Spray of Carbaril 0.1% or Feinthoet 0.05% or Fosalone 0.01% 
10 Trap
2. Barf feeding  insect November
  • Remove all the webs created by these insects and cover all the holes with clay soil, put 0.5% Diclorvaas in newly created holes and cover them. 
3. Uktha disease March
  • On decaying, remove the tree and destroy.
  • Mix cow dung with Esparjillus Nizar/Tricoderma  and use the same in the base of tree
4 – 5 KG
4. Enthaknoz Fruit Rot September
  • Spray of Copper Oxychloride 0.3% or Carbendaazim  0.1%
3.50 KG

Annexure-4 (B)

(B) Integrated Pesticide Management in Gooseberry Gardens

Sr No. Insect/Disease Effective period I.P.M. Package Quantity/ Hect
1. Shoot Gaal insect October to November
  • Cut the affected branches and burn them out
2. Bark feeding insect September
  • Treatment through Esparjillus Kandidus Fungus
  • Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5%
  • Remove all the webs created by these insects and cover all the holes with clay soil, put 0.5% Diclorvaas in newly created holes and cover them
120 Qtl.
3. Rust September-October
  • Spray of solution made with Inodophil M-45, 0.2%
  • Spray with solution of Borax 0.5-0.6%
  • Spray of Zinc sulphate 0.4%,m Copper sulphate 0.4% and Borax 0.47% altogather is found more effective.
50 KG
Sr. No. District No of selected development blocks Selected Development Block
1 2 3 4
1. Saharanpur 1 Sadhoui Kadeem, Behat
2. Meerut 1 Macchraa (Shahjahanpur)
3. Baghpat 3 Jaani, Pilana , Khekdaa
4. Bulandshahr 2 Syana, Oonchaagaanv
5. Amroha 4 1. Amroha, Zoya
2. Gajroula, Hasanpur
6. Pratapgarh 2 Kunda, Kalakaankar
7. Varanasi 1 Chiraigaanv
8. Lucknow 4 1. M9aal, Malihabaad, Kakori
2. Bakshi Ka Talab
9. Unnav 5 Hasanganj, Miyanganj, Auras, Safipur, Fatehpur
10. Sitapur 2 1. Mahmoodaabaad
2. Khairaabaad
11. Hardoi 1 Shaahaabad
12. Faizabad 3 1. Masoudha, Sohaval
3. Mayaa bazar
13. Barabanki 2 Dewa, Banki
13. Koushambi 2  Chayal, Moorratganj
13. Badaun 4  Myauu, Jagat, Usaanva, Kadarchowk
13. Pratapgarh 2  Sadar, Magrouraa
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1. Phalpatti Development Plan Guidelines 2017-18. Size: 310 KB | Lang: Hindi | Uploading Date: -02-12-2019 Download