History / Background

According to order released by Hon’ble Governor, fruit production, fruit conservation, horticulture and potato and green leafy vegetable program in mountainous and plain areas should be implemented with more efficiency. Administration asked Director, Fruit Utilization, U.P. that from now he should take care of horticultural and potato related practices in his respected area as he is going to be responsible for this and along with this, he also has to perform his regular duties and as per his newly allotted duties, his designation is being changed to Director of Horticulture and Fruit Utilization, U.P., whose headquarters will remain same as before, i.e., in Ranikhet.

Other than that of above, it was also directed that all financial and administrative authority of Agricultural Director of Horticulture, Green Leafy Vegetable and potato will be handed over to Director, Horticulture and Fruit Utilization, U.P. Director will also be responsible for the implementation of all fruit utilization, horticulture, potato and fruit conservation schemes and officers and employees who relate to all of above duties.