The diverse climate of Uttar Pradesh is suitable for producing all kinds of horticultural crops. . In fact, Uttar Pradesh holds a leading position in total production of horticultural crops in the country. In fact, for more than 92% of small holding farmers, horticultural crops are the main source of higher income, employment and nutrition per unit area. With the increasing importance of horticultural crops its producers are aware and are improving economic status by adopting the horticultural crops while optimum utilization of the available resources. Horticultural crops are diverse which include all kinds of fruits, vegetables, flowers, medicinal and aromatic crops, root and tuber crops, spices and bee-keeping as well as mushroom cultivation as a subsidiary enterprise along with their processing and value addition.

Horticulture crops have an important contribution in the gross domestic production of the agricultural sector. Due to the increasing demand and important contribution in agricultural sector, horticultural crops are becoming an area of priority. For the commercialisation of horticultural crops and diversification of agriculture in the state, various programmes are being implemented within the state by state government like expansion of area, rejuvenation of old mango, guava and aonla orchards, production of quality planting material and post harvest management etc.

Department of Horticulture and Food Processing, Uttar Pradesh is making efforts for the continuous development by implementing various schemes for fruits, vegetables, potato, flowers, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants, betel-vine development along with subsidiary enterprises like bee-keeping, mushroom production, food processing and cultivation of betel-vine. Presently, in various districts within the state various schemes are being implemented viz. Integrated Mission for Development of Horticulture, establishment of drip/sprinkler irrigation system, National Mission on Medicinal Plants, development of horticulture in schedule cast/tribe areas, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana and food processing development schemes. In the year 2015-16 in Bundelkhandand and Vidhya region, beneficiary farmers are being given Rs.3,000 per hectare for three years per month as an incentive for establishing orchards in 0.2 hectare to 1 hectare with fencing to be done by the beneficiary to establish new orchard in field of beneficiary farmers and also to ensure the mortality in established orchard. Besides this, under Bundelkhand Special Package various programs also being implemented. At various departmental production unit grafted, seedling and ornamental plants are produced and are being made available to the orchardists / takers at no profit-loss basis. Along with this, training programmes for bee keeping, betel development and mushroom production etc. are also being run at various districts. Moreover, to promote the ensured development of food processing within the state, the Uttar Pradesh Food Processing Industry Policy -2012 has also been promulgated by state government through interest subsidies, Quality & Certification Market Development, Research and Development and exports is promoted along with provision of various subsidies and concession for establishment of industries within the state. Furthermore, through promulgation of Uttar Pradesh Potato Development Policy-2014 various subsidy and concession are promoted for the planned development of main and important potato crop in the state. Evidently, by promulgation and implementation of these policies value addition could be ensured by establishment of food processing industries, which results to the benefit of producers and consumers, and the overall development of the state.